
Susan Estrich, born December 16, 1952, is a lawyer, author, professor, feminist advocate, political advocate, and the commentator for political news on Fox News. She joined the Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oiver and Hedges law firm in Los Angeles in 2008. Professor Estrich is an expert in law and politics, criminal law, and gender discrimination. She teaches Criminal Law, Gender Discrimination and Election Law. Professor Estrich clerked for The Honorable John Paul Stevens, associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and the late Honorable J. Skelly Wright, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Professor Estrich was a special assistant to Senator Edward M. Kennedy, and staff counsel and special assistant to the chief counsel for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. She has been actively involved in Democratic presidential politics, serving as national campaign manager of the Dukakis-Bentsen campaign in 1988. Professor Estrich is a frequent commentator on law and politics for FOX News, and an occasional talk radio show host. Her scholarly publications include Real Rape; Getting Away with Murder: Politics, Crime, and the Rule of Law; Dangerous Offenders (with Moore, McGillis, & Spellman); and "Sex at Work." Her most recent book is The Case for Hillary Clinton (ReganBooks, 2005).
Professor Estrich received her B.A. from Wellesley College and her J.D. from Harvard Law School, where she was first woman President of the Harvard Law Review. She has also taught at Harvard Law School.